Summer Youth Activity Program

SYAP logo

The aim of the Rice University Summer Youth Activity Program is to introduce children (aged 6 to 11) to a variety of sports and recreational activities in a friendly, non-competitive environment. Our staff of instructors and counselors consists of students from Rice and other universities in the area, as well as professionals trained in education and recreation. Our goal is to provide each participant with age-appropriate instruction and an exciting and memorable experience. Participants will spend their summer having fun, meeting new friends and being physically active. A summer with SYAP will leave your child with a sense of physical, social, and emotional accomplishment and memories that will last a lifetime.

2025 Session Dates

Session 1: June 5 - June 13

Session 2: June 16 - June 27 (*There will be no camp June 19-20 due to the observance of the Federal Holiday, Juneteenth)

Session 3: July 7 - July 18

Session 4: July 21 - August 1

Late Care: 3:45 pm - 6:00 pm

*There will be no camp on the following days: June 19-20; June 30 - July 4

2025 Registration Dates and Prices

Rice Faculty/Staff and Student
Monday, February 10, from 12:00 pm until Tuesday, February 11, at 4:30 pm

Rice Alumni and 2024 Returning Family
Wednesday, February 12, from 12:00 pm until 4:30 pm

Open Registration
Friday, February 14, from 12:00 pm until all sessions are full

Rice Faculty/Staff and Student
Session 1 - $425
Session 2 - $485
Session 3 - $605
Session 4 - $605

Rice Alumni
Session 1 - $480
Session 2 - $550
Session 3 - $685
Session 4 - $685

Session 1 - $510
Session 2 - $580
Session 3 - $725
Session 4 - $725

Late Care - $250

* A non-refundable deposit of $300 is due at time of registration for each session/participant. Deposits will be applied to the total cost.

Facility Location

All sessions will be held on the Rice University campus at the Recreation Center. The Recreation Center is located inside gate entrance #20 (Kent Street) off Rice Blvd. (The Recreation Center is the first large building on the right). Need a campus map? An online version is available using this link.

Activity Schedule (Sample)

Click the following link to view our sample activity schedule: Sample SYAP Activity Schedule


Participants in the Summer Youth Activity Program are required to bring a lunch daily. To keep our campers physically distanced during lunch, we are asking all campers to bring a beach towel to sit on during lunch.

*Please note: The Summer Youth Activity Program is not “nut free”. We do not prevent families from sending children to campus with lunches/snacks that might have nuts in them, and sell products in Concessions that may contain nuts. However, we will provide reasonable accommodations to protect the well-being of a child who has nut-related allergies. If your child has a nut allergy, please contact us to discuss the degree of severity prior to enrolling him/her in our program.

If Your Child(ren) Takes Prescription Medication

Parents/legal guardians will be asked to complete a Medical Dosage form outlining instructions for dispensation. Please bring the Medical Dosage form and the medication in the original container with the prescription label to registration on the first day of the session. To download the Medical Dosage form, use this link.

Contact Us
Questions about any of this? Don't hesitate to ask us!
Email or call our main office at 713-348-4058